Module dlangui.core.signals

This module contains definition of signals / listeners.

Similar to std.signals.

Unlike std.signals, supports any types of delegates, and as well interfaces with single method.

Unlike std.signals, can support return types for slots.


unlike std.signals, does not disconnect signal from slots belonging to destroyed objects.

Listener here stand for holder of single delegate (slot).

Signal is the same but supports multiple slots.

Listener has smaller memory footprint, but allows only single slot.

Can be declared either using list of result value and argument types, or by interface name with single method.


import dlangui.core.signals;

interface SomeInterface {
    bool someMethod(string s, int n);
class Foo : SomeInterface {
    override bool someMethod(string s, int n) {
        writeln("someMethod called ", s, ", ", n);
        return n > 10; // can return value

// Listener! can hold arbitrary number of connected slots

// declare using list of return value and parameter types
Listener!(bool, string, n) signal1;

Foo f = new Foo();
// when signal is defined as type list, you can use delegate
signal1 = bool delegate(string s, int n) { writeln("inside delegate - ", s, n); return false; }
// or method reference
signal1 = &f.someMethod;

// declare using interface with single method
Listener!SomeInterface signal2;
// you still can use any delegate
signal2 = bool delegate(string s, int n) { writeln("inside delegate - ", s, n); return false; }
// but for class method which overrides interface method, you can use simple syntax
signal2 = f; // it will automatically take &f.someMethod

// call listener(s) either by opcall or explicit emit
signal1("text", 1);
signal1.emit("text", 2);
signal2.emit("text", 3);

// check if any slit is connected
if (signal1.assigned)
    writeln("has listeners");

// Signal! can hold arbitrary number of connected slots

// declare using list of return value and parameter types
Signal!(bool, string, n) signal3;

// add listeners via connect call
signal3.connect(bool delegate(string, int) { return false; });
// or via ~= operator
signal3 ~= bool delegate(string, int) { return false; };

// declare using interface with single method
Signal!SomeInterface signal4;

// you can connect several slots to signal
signal4 ~= f;
signal4 ~= bool delegate(string, int) { return true; }

// calling of listeners of Signal! is similar to Listener!
// using opCall
bool res = signal4("blah", 5);
// call listeners using emit
bool res = signal4.emit("blah", 5);

// you can disconnect individual slots
// using disconnect()
// or -= operator
signal4 -= f;


Name Description
Listener Single listener; parameter is interface with single method
Listener Single listener; implicitly specified return and parameter types
Signal Multiple listeners; implicitly specified return and parameter types


Vadim Lopatin,


Vadim Lopatin, 2014


Boost License 1.0