Module dlangui.widgets.scroll

This module contains base implementation of scrolling capabilities for widgets

ScrollWidgetBase - abstract scrollable widget (used as a base for other widgets with scrolling)

ScrollWidget - widget which can scroll its content (directly usable class)


import dlangui.widgets.scroll;

// Scroll view example
ScrollWidget scroll = new ScrollWidget("SCROLL1");
WidgetGroup scrollContent = new VerticalLayout("CONTENT");

TableLayout table2 = new TableLayout("TABLE2");
table2.colCount = 2;
// headers
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Parameter Name"d)).alignment(Align.Right | Align.VCenter));
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Edit Box to edit parameter"d)).alignment(Align.Left | Align.VCenter));
// row 1
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Parameter 1 name"d)).alignment(Align.Right | Align.VCenter));
table2.addChild((new EditLine("edit1", "Text 1"d)).layoutWidth(FILL_PARENT));
// row 2
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Parameter 2 name bla bla"d)).alignment(Align.Right | Align.VCenter));
table2.addChild((new EditLine("edit2", "Some text for parameter 2 blah blah blah"d)).layoutWidth(FILL_PARENT));
// row 3
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Param 3"d)).alignment(Align.Right | Align.VCenter));
table2.addChild((new EditLine("edit3", "Parameter 3 value"d)).layoutWidth(FILL_PARENT));
// row 4
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Param 4"d)).alignment(Align.Right | Align.VCenter));
table2.addChild((new EditLine("edit3", "Parameter 4 value shdjksdfh hsjdfas hdjkf hdjsfk ah"d)).layoutWidth(FILL_PARENT));
// row 5
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Param 5 - edit text here - blah blah blah"d)).alignment(Align.Right | Align.VCenter));
table2.addChild((new EditLine("edit3", "Parameter 5 value"d)).layoutWidth(FILL_PARENT));
// row 6
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Param 6 - just to fill content widget"d)).alignment(Align.Right | Align.VCenter));
table2.addChild((new EditLine("edit3", "Parameter 5 value"d)).layoutWidth(FILL_PARENT));
// row 7
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Param 7 - just to fill content widget"d)).alignment(Align.Right | Align.VCenter));
table2.addChild((new EditLine("edit3", "Parameter 5 value"d)).layoutWidth(FILL_PARENT));
// row 8
table2.addChild((new TextWidget(null, "Param 8 - just to fill content widget"d)).alignment(Align.Right | Align.VCenter));
table2.addChild((new EditLine("edit3", "Parameter 5 value"d)).layoutWidth(FILL_PARENT));

scrollContent.addChild(new TextWidget(null, "Now - some buttons"d));
scrollContent.addChild(new ImageTextButton("btn1", "fileclose", "Close"d));
scrollContent.addChild(new ImageTextButton("btn2", "fileopen", "Open"d));
scrollContent.addChild(new TextWidget(null, "And checkboxes"d));
scrollContent.addChild(new CheckBox("btn1", "CheckBox 1"d));
scrollContent.addChild(new CheckBox("btn2", "CheckBox 2"d));

scroll.contentWidget = scrollContent;


Name Description
ScrollWidget Widget which can show content of widget group with optional scrolling
ScrollWidgetBase Abstract scrollable widget


Name Description
ScrollBarMode Scroll bar visibility mode.


Vadim Lopatin,


Vadim Lopatin, 2014


Boost License 1.0