Enum TreeActions

grid control action codes

The enum base type is int .

Enum members

Name Description
DocumentBegin move cursor to the beginning of document
DocumentEnd move cursor to the end of document
Down move selection down
Left move selection left
LineBegin move cursor to the beginning of line
LineEnd move cursor to the end of line
None no action
PageBegin move cursor to the beginning of page
PageDown move cursor one page down
PageEnd move cursor to the end of page
PageUp move cursor one page up
Right move selection right
ScrollBottom scroll bottom, w/o changing selection
ScrollDown scroll down, w/o changing selection
ScrollLeft scroll left, w/o changing selection
ScrollPageDown scroll down, w/o changing selection
ScrollPageLeft scroll left, w/o changing selection
ScrollPageRight scroll right, w/o changing selection
ScrollPageUp scroll up, w/o changing selection
ScrollRight scroll right, w/o changing selection
ScrollTop scroll top w/o changing selection
ScrollUp scroll up, w/o changing selection
SelectDocumentBegin move cursor to the beginning of document with selection
SelectDocumentEnd move cursor to the end of document with selection
SelectLineBegin move cursor to the beginning of line with selection
SelectLineEnd move cursor to the end of line with selection
SelectPageBegin move cursor to the beginning of page with selection
SelectPageDown move cursor one page down with selection
SelectPageEnd move cursor to the end of page with selection
SelectPageUp move cursor one page up with selection
Up move selection up


Vadim Lopatin, coolreader.org@gmail.com


Vadim Lopatin, 2014


Boost License 1.0