Class Node

Base class for DOM nodes

Inherits from

  • Object (base class)


Name Type Description
attrCount [get] int returns attribute count
child [set] Node returns child node by index
childCount [get] int returns child node count
document [get] Document returns document node
firstChild [get] Node returns first child node
hasChildren [get] bool returns true if node has child nodes
id [get] int return element tag id
index [get] int return node index in parent's child node collection, -1 if not found
isElement [get] bool returns true if node is element
isText [get] bool returns true if node is text
lastChild [get] Node returns last child node
name [get] string return element tag name
nsid [get] short return element namespace id
nsname [get] string return element namespace name
parent [get] Node returns parent node
text [get, set] dstring node text


Name Description
appendElement append element child - by namespace and tag ids
appendElement append element child - by namespace and tag names
appendText append text child
attr get attribute by namespace and attribute names
attr get attribute by namespace and attribute ids
attr get attribute by index
attrValue get attribute value by namespace and attribute ids
childElement returns child node by index and optionally compares its tag id, returns null if child with this index is not an element or id does not match
childIndex find child node, return its index if found, -1 if not found or not child of this node
hasAttr returns true if node has attribute with specified name
hasAttr returns true if node has attribute with specified id
setAttr set attribute value by namespace and attribute names
setAttr set attribute value by namespace and attribute ids


Vadim Lopatin,


Vadim Lopatin, 2015


Boost License 1.0