Class StringListAdapterBase

List adapter providing strings only.

Inherits from


Name Description
this create empty string list adapter.
this Init with array of string resource IDs.
this Init with array of unicode strings.
this Init with array of StringListValue.


Name Type Description
_iconIds string[]
_intIds int[]
_items UIStringCollection
_lastItemIndex int
_states uint[]
_stringIds string[]
adapterChanged Signal!(dlangui.widgets.lists.OnAdapterChangeHandler) Handle items change


Name Type Description
itemCount [get] int returns number of widgets in list
items [get] const(UIStringCollection) Access to items collection.
items [set] StringListAdapterBase Replace items collection.


Name Description
add add new item
add add new string resource item
add add new raw dstring item
clear remove all items
itemId returns integer item id by index (if supported)
itemState return list item's state flags
itemStringId returns string item id by index (if supported)
remove remove item by index
resetItemState reset one or more list item's state flags, returns updated state
setItemState set one or more list item's state flags, returns updated state
connect connect adapter change handler
disconnect disconnect adapter change handler
itemWidget return list item widget by item index
onThemeChanged called when theme is changed
updateViews notify listeners about list items changes


Vadim Lopatin,


Vadim Lopatin, 2014


Boost License 1.0